What about the bees?
The health and welfare of our bees is paramount. Our bees maintain their health foraging on rich sources of native chaparral vegetation. Diseases and pests are managed holistically, with prevention ”bee-ing“ the best cure.
Apiarist and organic farmer Alisha Taff has years of experience perfecting the art of apiculture. She is a community educator, lectures on beekeeping, and is also a professional consultant for commercial apiaries through Commercial Apiary Consultancy, LLC. If you are interested in hiring Alisha for a speaking engagement or commercial beekeeping consultation services please click here to learn more.
Rock Front Ranch Honey has been 3rd party NMR tested and is free of glyphosate contamination, pure, raw and so very delicious! We warm it just enough to flow, so it is the same temperature as the hive, and it is screened, not filtered. This means the active pollens, enzymes and healthful polyphenolic compounds are available to your body.
Our pure, raw honeys do not deteriorate with age. They will maintain their health benefits to the bottom of every jar!
Every delicious spoonful is a gift from nature and a direct connection to the sunny Cuyama Valley of California or the glorious prairies of North and South Dakota. Try all three of our varietals, it's a challenge to choose a favorite!